Christian Links - Ministries
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Afton Grove Baptist Church |
Description |
If you visit us in person, you will find a warm and loving church filled with people who love the Lord, love each other and love their neighbors. Some of the attributes that stand out in our church are: prayer, a nurturing spirit for the saints, a zeal to help the hurting and a desire to see the Lost souls of this world saved for Jesus Christ. |
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Christian Church |
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Jesus Died For Us |
Description |
Devotions, Jesus, Unconditional Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness |
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Christian Organizations or Ministries |
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Rockbridge Seminary |
Description: |
Rockbridge Seminary ( is a fully online seminary dedicated to making seminary education available to anyone serving in a church anywhere in the world in a format that is ministry-focused. |
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Christian Organizations or Ministries |
Site: Bible Knowledge
Description: Website helping Christians grow in their walk with the Lord one step at a time.
Category: Ministry
Site: DLM Evangelical Ministries
Description: DLM Evangelical Ministries is the official website of Evangelist/Pastor/Children's Minister - Daniele Luciano Moskal
Category: Ministry
Site: Intersections4Men
Description: Intersections4Men is by men, for men, who want to live out a life that is pleasing to God.
Category: Ministry
Site: Jesus Died For Us
Description: Devotions that Jesus lays on my heart to write
Category: Ministry
Site: Voice Of The Spirit Webradio Ministry
Description: We are an online music ministry that, with the prayers & support of our friends and partners around the world, present a creative and relevant message of our Lord and His love for people worldwide, utilizing the most powerful form of media and communications available.
Category: Ministry
Site: Matt Borja's Bible Study Reference
Description: is a Bible study resource for compiling scripture references and publishing devotional material, songs, and sermons.
Category: Ministry
Our site is a great place to find information about colleges and universities that integrate biblical values into their curriculum. Anyone wanting to pursue an education and a career that fits their Christian perspective can use the information on our site to find degree programs that reflect your core values.
Category: Ministry
Site: Above & Beyond Counseling Academy
Description: Above & Beyond Counseling Academy offers accredited MA/PhD and BA/MA degrees in Clinical Christian Counseling through the NCCA. Studies are self-paced and done online / distance-learning or via books. Graduates are licensed/certified with the NCCA and have a choice from different seminaries for the degree.
Category: Ministry
Site: Above & Beyond Counseling Center
Description: Above & Beyond Counseling Center provides Individual, marriage / couples counseling by NCCA Licensed Clinical Christian Counselors (MA or PhD degrees and also ordained ministers) with an emphasis on helping people gain freedom from strongholds and emotional bondages. We have offices in the Tampa Bay area and also minister worldwide via skype.
Category: Ministry
Site: Random Musings
Description: I blog about Christianity, Ministry, and my personal thoughts on life, love and relationships, as well as music and other things that interest me.
Category: Ministry
Site: Truth Be Told
Description: A blog about Christian issues, Bible study, exhortation and inspiration.
Category: Ministry
Site: GAP Ministries
Description: Sharing the love of Christ through prayer, evangelism and social action. In South Africa, for Africa.
Category: Ministry
Site: The Bible Unpacked
Description: "The Bible Unpacked" presents the teaching of the Bible in a systematic form, primarily with Bible verses. There are seven editions, for non-Christians through to mature Christians. These free resources are useful for outreach, discipleship, Bible study, Bible teaching and devotions.
Category: Ministry
Site: Farley Gospel
Description: Caroll & Brenda Farley are a husband & wife from Maine & we sing & testify for Jesus.
write to us for Bookings & CD's @ Caroll & Brenda Farley 784 Carson Road Woodland ME 04736-5357
Category: Ministry
Site: Destined For Health
Description: Destined for Health is designed to help a dying world live again and find freedom in Christ, God�s natural remedies and healing scriptures.
Category: Ministry
Site: Meet Christians Online Social Community
Description: Meet Christians Online is a Free large scale Social Community for finding and meeting Christians Worldwide
Category: Ministry
Site: Tri-County Christian School
Description: Serving families in a four-county area of Western North Carolina with quality Christian-based K-12 curriculum.
Category: Ministry
Site: KingsWay Christian Ministries
Description: Reaching and teaching the world through our WEB presence and local outreach.
Category: Ministry
Site: Clean Heart Ministries
Description: Clean Heart Ministries is a Cape Town, South Africa based internet Christian Ministry focused on repentance, forgiveness, cleansing and love. Clean Heart Ministries physically go minister to churches in the Cape Town area on invitation with dynamic preaching and evangelism inspired to create repentance within the congregations ministered to.
Category: Ministry
Site: All about Jesus
Description: All about Jesus love, God's mercy, grace, and love. how to become an overcomer; live audio radio broadcast very Sat at 7 pm central time. Audio archives to listen at a later date.
Category: Ministry
Description: Gospel message
Category: Ministry
Site: Rhapsody Of Realities
Description: daily devotional
Category: Ministry
Site: JCK Ministries Inc - Feed Poinciana
Description: Food for nourishment and food for the Spirit - A soon to be Christian non-profit org in the Poinciana, Florida area there are approximately 26-30% children hungry every day. Please join in and help us bring this number down.
Category: Ministry
Site: SonLife Christian Broadcasting Network
Description: SonLife (SBN) is a 24hr Christian Broadcasting and Faith Network that offers unparalleled line-up of programs exclusively from Jimmy Swaggart Ministry
Category: Ministry
Site: What Christians Want To Know
Description: A Christian website designed to encourage, equip and energize Christian. Topics include Bible Verses, Christian Quotes, Christian Songs and much more.
Category: Ministry
Site: Free Bread Each Day
Description: Devotional type blog posts....sharing answered prayers, daily struggles & joys along with ways that Christ is uplifted in these times.
Category: Ministry
Site: Creations Carpenter
Description: Welcoming readers to purchase Splinters On The Carptenter's Floor. My story of God bringing me through a deep depression. Led by the Holy Spirit to Praise God through writing down my prayers.
Category: Ministry
Site: It is all about Jesus
Description: Love mercy grace of Jesus, unity of the church; you allready sending me emails; I just change the web site name.
Category: Ministry
Site: Dramatic Christian Ministries - Narrow Gate Theater
Description: Leave the 'Broadway that leads to destruction" and 'Enter through the Narrow Gate that leads to life' Hollywood or Holywood - You Do Have A Choice!
Category: Ministry
Site: Hell on Church Street The Transformation
Description: Nearly beaten to death,his mother is shot to death.! Years later working as a Bounty Hunter and Strong Arm Collector he makes a decision so big that it changes his life forever!
Category: Ministry
Site: Covenant, Communion & Constellations
Description: Great Bible Themes in Light of God's Love and Glory
Category: Ministry
Site: God's Word for the Nations - Bible Translation
Description: God's Word for the Nations provides funding of Bible translation projects across the globe, focusing on the area of Russia.
Category: Ministry
Site: My Father's World Homeschool Curriculum k-12
Description: My Father's World offers pre-k through highschool curriculum, combining the best of Charlotte Mason, classical education, and unit studies with a Biblical worldview and international focus.
Category: Ministry
Category: Ministry
Site: I'm Only Wood
Description: As a brief introduction, this is a Christian ministry dedicated to helping others find true freedom through Jesus.
Category: Ministry
Site: Paulean Ministries Inc.
Description: Paulean Ministries isn't just about offering hope and victory to those trapped by drugs, alcohol, gambling or sexual sins, it is for everyone! Freedom and Victorious Christian Living are for all of us.
Category: Ministry
Site: City Harvest Bangalore
Description: City Harvest AG Church, Bangalore is a full gospel International church at Bangalore with 9 services on Sundays.
Category: Ministry
Site: Northwestern Theological Seminary
Description: Online Bachelor,Masters, and Doctorate Degrees just 299$ to enroll now.
*Accelerated and Traditional Degree Programs*
Category: Ministry
Site: Coming Home ( The Christmas Play)
Description: A wonderful family friendly Christmas play about a family who overcomes the worst to unite for Christmas
Category: Ministry
Description: This is a chrisitian online evangelical site Empowerin! Expressing! Equipping the people around the world.
Category: Ministry
Site: Word To All International
Description: A partnership of East and West to share Christ in the Czech Republic. English outreach through courses, clubs, and camps is a key strategy for sharing Christ.Discipleship, informal counseling, and leadership development are used to strengthen and challenge people to grow in Christian faith.
Category: Ministry
Site: His Forgiving Grace
Description: The online Christian fellowship arm of our outreach and evangelistic minitry. Fellowship, Praise and Worship music, Daily Devotionals, Photos, Blogs, and much, much more. Join us here!
Category: Ministry
Site: Mighty God Ministries
Description: We are all about proclaiming The Power of The Cross and lifting high The Name of Jesus that all might come to know Him and be saved.
Category: Ministry
Site: Lambsaved Ministries
Description: Feed the sheep on the Word of God and to defend the Gospel.
Category: Ministry
Site: New Life Christian Center - Bacoor
Description: New Life Christian Center - Bacoor (NLCCB)is a full gospel christian church in Bacoor, Cavite. NLCCB is a satellite church of New Life Christian Center - Alabang.
Category: Ministry
Site: Life Focus Centre Christian Church
Description: With a vision to reach the unreached back blocks of Indian communities the church was established.
Category: Ministry
Site: Faith Watch
Description: Speaking out for God, challenging error and wickedness, promoting Christian values, proclaiming Christ, and building up the Church.
Category: Ministry
Site: Behold He Cometh
Description: this is my book webpage and info blogs
Category: Ministry
Site: Remnant Magazine
Description: The Christian magazine for the rest of us. Join the Revolution!
Category: Ministry
Site: The English Family Quartet
Description: EFQ is a Family, Southern Gsoepl, Quartet. Stron in family, faith, harmony and music. This Family is a true blessing to hear in Concert, Radio or TV. If your looking for a great, spiritual time in the Lord check them out!
Category: Ministry
Site: A Therapy Dog's Ministry with Children
Description: Reggie is a 118 pound registered therapy dog. In addition to the traditional visits to hospitals and nursing homes, Reggie and I have a ministry with the children in our church. We present children's sermons and youth programs using Reggie to capture attention, to illustrate the story and as a memory peg for recall. All stories are shared on the web site. "Our Story" tells how we were "called" to this ministry and the selection and training of Reggie. We have nothing to sell. Our goal is to imspire and offer resources to others in a Christain ministry.
Category: Ministry
Site: Holiness and Perfection
Description: The Bible calls us to be holy and Jesus said that we should be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect. On this website you can find out how.
Category: Ministry
Description: wining souls for the Lord
Category: Ministry
Site: Perfect Gift Ministries Internet Center
Description: Perfect Gift Ministries, where we teach the Living Word of God and share the Hope provided therein.
Category: Ministry
Description: This site is God owned. It contains biblical information that will empower your spiritual walk with Jesus. For the Lord will bless all who live, preach, teach, and write for Him, fulfilling His great commission to live righteous and godly lives and to make disciples of all nations.
Category: Ministry
Site: Menorah Publications
Description: Bob & Nikki, have compiled and published materials helpful for growth and development in regards to their vision of being an available resource to assist folk to be schooled and skilled in basic foundational doctrine ...
Category: Ministry
Site: International Bible Christian Fellowship
Description: An international congregation of Fillipo, Americans, Asian, European Americans, African American and Hispanics meeting to fellowship and share God's word in a friendly environment with covered dish fellowship every Sunday after the service.
Category: Ministry
Site: The Lighthouse Christian Forum
Description: Christian Forum for fellowship, support, prayer and fun, including a Forum Intercessory Team accepting Prayer requests from non members
Category: Ministry
Site: Free Christian Dating Sites
Description: Guide to the top free Christian dating sites on the internet.
Category: Ministry
Site: WV Christian Singles
Description: Our main focus in this ministry is "God" and "Fellowship". The first thing you will find here is friends.
Category: Ministry
Site: Puppers For Praise
Description: Start your puppet ministery today! We offer everything you need to teach your children about the Lord through puppets. Our Puppets For Praise kit has a easy to assemble, portable stage, puppets, scripts, lights and easy step by step instructions on how to start and manage your puppet ministery!
Category: Ministry
Site: Telling The Story
Description: Telling The Story is an outreach ministry of Crabtree Chapel Baptist Church.Free downloads of sermons by Rev. Fred Proctor Sr. Pastor.
Category: Ministry
Site: House of Jesus
Description: A site that is all about the kingdom
Category: Ministry
Site: Choose Jesus,He Chose You
Description: A site for men and women who love the Lord and those who have yet to know Him and desire to. A place to share prayer, love, fellowship and friendship in Christ.
Category: Ministry
Description: A Christian non-profit organization offering free KJV bibles and free biblical literature. Designed to reach the lost and unsaved.
Category: Ministry
Site: Master Plan Evangelism
Description: This is a evangelism site to advertise Christ. There are lessons of Holy Spirit Interactive, Raising the Commitment level and Tactics and Techniques to become fishers of Men.
Category: Ministry
Site: Prophecy
Description: The Truth About The Last Days, Antichrist, The Rapture, More.
Category: Ministry
Description: This site is God owned. It contains biblical information that will empower your spiritual walk with Jesus. For the Lord will bless all who live, preach, teach, and write for Him, fulfilling His great commission to live righteous and godly lives and to make disciples of all nations.
Category: Ministry
Site: 95 Theses
Description: This is an updated version of 95 Theses for Church discussion. You are welcome to either read or watch via video, as these 95 Theses are actively discussed. Or you may want to participate which again, you are most welcome to do.
Category: Ministry
Site: Menorah Publications
Description: Bob & Nikki Dalton, have served in the capacity of Pastor/Teachers and as such, they have compiled and published teaching materials for individual growth and development. Join with us to, Church the Un-Churched, Teach the Un-Taught, and most of all, Reach the Un-Reached ... for Jesus!
Category: Ministry
Site: Endtime Prophecy Net
Description: Endtime Prophecy Net is a multi-faceted Christian outreach ministry -- online since 1994 -- which offers a wide variety of Christian commentary -- much of it prophecy-related -- many useful Bible study tools, a messageboard, chatroom, guestbook and BBS.
Category: Ministry
Site: God is not a Religion. He is a REALITY
Description: Confused about God's word? Got questions? Pray to the only one who can give truth. Our God through Jesus Christ. Come visit and may God bless you for searching His word.
Category: Ministry
Site: Welcome: Daily Inspirations
Description: We believe God created the heavens and the earth. We believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the sins of the world. Also, that He rose on the third day wih all power conquering death and the grave. We believe that the Holy Spirit was sent for to empower and remind believers of God Holy Wordm for He is a comforter. We believe that one day Jesus will return for His people and judgement will happen for mankind. God bless you.
Category: Ministry
Site: Apple Sauce Kids
Description: Piles of free youth ministry materials, videos, coloring pages and so much more!
Category: Ministry
Site: Apostolic Restoration
Description: A place for restoration, training and building up of the Body of Christ. Christian fellowship! Bible Study and prayer!
Category: Ministry
Site: Army of Heaven Ministries
Description: A web site to instructs believes to be good soldiers for Christ.
Category: Ministry
Site: Christian Parents Forum
Description: Join this growing on-line community for Christian parents! Broad variety of discussion topics for parents of all ages.
Category: Ministry
Site: Chief Shepherd
Description: Christian Devotional Website. Free access and content.
Category: Ministry
Site: CDN Today Community of Christian Websites
Description: Network of Christian & Family-Friendly Websites & Social Media (similar to Facebook). Registration, content & hosting is free.
Category: Ministry
Site: Weeping Eyes For The World Ministries
Description: Non-denomination, non-profit outreach Ministry. Anointed healing and Deliverance Ministry. Dr. TJ Straight Senior Pastor and Founder
Category: Ministry
Description: The aim of the articles published in this site is to bring understanding, peace and harmony in the life of the readers leading to the knowledge of Christ and salvation where necessary. This site will be updated on a regularly for true Christian living in a very difficult and obtrusive world.
Category: Ministry
Site: Apologetics Guy
Description: Accessible Apologetics Training with Mikel Del Rosario
Category: Ministry
Site: So You're the Minister's Wife
Description: A planning a resource guide for minister's wives and women in ministry.
Category: Ministry
Site: Network Christian Training Institute
Description: We are here to assist you on your journey to learning more about God's inspired Word, the Bible.
Category: Ministry
Site: ABC Tracts
Description: ABC Tracts Gospel tracts reaching people! Proven and effective English, Spanish, Portuguese, and foreign gospel tracts for witnessing and evangelism.
Category: Ministry
Site: The Good News Press
Description: Articles, links. recommended books. culture
Category: Ministry
Site: Daily Bible Online
Description: Daily Bible Online is a Christian site devoted to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helping believers grow in their faith. We offer a premier online Bible Search, Bible Study tools, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Bible Translations and much more.
Category: Ministry
Description: provides free online volunteer matching which makes it easier for volunteers to find volunteer service opportunities (similar to how job sites like help people find jobs).
Category: Ministry
Site: The Prayer of Faith Ministry
Description: Christian Ministry dedicated to reaching the world for Jesus Christ, and for the teaching and preaching of the Word without compromise.
Category: Ministry
Site: Amazing Bible
Description: A mega-site of Bible, Christian & religious information & studies, doctrine, news, prayer, prophecy, sermons, spiritual warfare, statistics, tools, and tracts.
Category: Ministry
Site: New Jerusalem Jewelry, LLC
Description: Handmade Christian Jewelry with a vision of the future. Jewels of Heaven, Healing of the Nations, Born Again, Two become one. Made in U.S.A.
Category: Business
Site: National Prayer Bank
Description: National Prayer Bank is a website to encourage prayer in our country and around the world. You can pray for others or post your own prayer requests for healing, finances, marriage restoration, spiritual growth, and other needs. As a means of encouragement, a Prayer Registry is created for each Prayer Request showing who has prayed. You can click on any name on the Registry and pray for that person. Updates are automatically sent to everyone who has prayed for a Request and also when a Prayer Request is answered.
Category: Ministry
Site: Aggressive Christianity "Proclaiming Gods Judgements"
Description: Christian Missions work
Category: Ministry
Site: EMPOWERING Christian Women
Description: Up-to-Date Online Christian Resource Library that will ENCOURAGE, EQUIP and EMPOWER you to live a CHRIST-CENTERED LIFE.
Category: Ministry
Site: Redeemed Motorcycle Ministries ,Inc.
Description: We at Redeemed Motorcycle Ministries take the Bible as our guide for faith and practice, and we attempt to live according to its teachings. We believe that the most important thing in life is to love God with all our being and to love our neighbor as ourselves. You will not find perfection in Redeemed Motorcycle Ministries members, but you will find a warm welcome at any of our gatherings. Taking God's love to the Bikers,one Biker at a time!
Category: Ministry
Description: Windows of Heaven Christian Church is dedicated to reaching the international community in Wyoming Valley Area for God through Jesus Christ. We are a mission-oriented non-denominational church. You are invited to stop by any of our services. In addition to preaching and proclaiming the unadulterated Words of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, our worship services include congregational singing, prayers, and testimonies about God's love and awesome power. Obedience to the Word of God to leave a live of holiness is our passion as well as reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Category: Ministry
Site: The Mind of Christ
Description: A Christian website created for the one who created me. Apart of my ministry to spread the truth to those who seek it.
Category: Ministry
Site: Help us Feed the Poor - America's Hunger Solution
Description: Help us provide healthy food for needy and hungry families. Help us fight this crucial problem in America by donating to our organization. Millions of Americans go hungry every night. Help us feed the poor and least fortunate among us and spread the Word of God.
Category: Ministry
Site: PrayerFeed International
Description: lifts up the prayers of Christians around the globe 24/7. Join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters.
Category: Ministry
Description: a Christian social networking site that links Christians everywhere. BLAB = Be Linked As Believers. Super fast site with the latest and greatest features and technology.
Category: Ministry
Site: Borderland Food Bank [Nogales Arizona]
Description: The mission of Borderland Food Bank is to improve the quality of life of the people of Santa Cruz County, the State of Arizona, other U.S. Cities and Foreign Locations through food distribution.
Category: Ministry
Site: Scott Hyden Ministries
Description: Ordained Minister, Educator and Speaker
Category: Ministry
Site: Telling The Story
Description: Telling The Story is an outreach ministry of Crabtree Chapel Baptist Church,Spruce Pine,NC,USA. free downloads,free mp3 sermons,wonderful christian videos,help for kids.
Category: Ministry
Description: reaching the lost, encouraeing the brotheren,and giving praise to the king of king,andlord of lord
Category: Ministry
Site: eThoughts
Description: Life Questions: Some Thoughts for Thinking People. What is life really about? Why are we here? How did life begin? Was it really random? Or was there a purpose behind it?
Category: Ministry
Site: SundayChildrensFocus
Description: Creative Children's Sermons and object lessons
Category: Ministry
Site: Thomas Lindsay Ministries
Description: Evangelist Thomas Lindsay is available
nationwide to preach Revivals, Crusades,
Bible Studies, and other services
at your Church or other Ministry.
Category: Ministry
Description: An Online Ministry for Single Moms
Category: Ministry
Site: Love and Blessing Ministry
Description: To Love and Build the Bride of Christ. Build your Spirit, Regenerate your soul. Deep Good 'Word' lots of areas covered.
Category: Ministry
Site: Are you really saved?
Description: Are you really a Christian? Visit Are you really Saved and know for sure that you are really a Christian.
Category: Ministry
Description: Bits of Information
Adjutores Dei is a latin word which means
"Helpers of God". It is youth organization. The first class of Adjutores Dei was held at Laguna, until it was introduced by youth and lay leaders from San Pablo City, Laguna on 24th of October 1980.
Category: Ministry
Site: Missionary View
Description: Missionary View is a team of self-funded missionaries working to share God's grace and will for others.
Category: Ministry
Site: abfindia
Description: Evangelism, Church Planting, Rehabilitation of Street Children & Rag pickers
Category: Ministry
Site: Greatest Love Ministries Home Page
Description: A Non-Denominational Christian Church Ministry. Inspiring you with the word of God.
Category: Ministry
Site: Amazing Grace Ministries Inc.
Description: Amazing Grace Ministries, INC. Ottawa KS, Independent Full Gospel Church, vision fulfill the calling of ministry within people’s lives, see church’s established; Training men and women, teaching the uncompromised word of God, to the lost, and oppressed set free, spiritual, physical healing to the dying, lost world.
Category: Ministry
Site: Delivering Hope - Free Christian Books
Description: Extensive collection of free Christian resources, online books, free Bible (KJV), Bible Study tools, and Christian worship music and hymns to download.
Category: Ministry
Site: Help us Feed the Poor - America's Hunger Solution
Description: Help us provide healthy food for needy and hungry families. Help us fight this crucial problem in America by donating to our organization. Millions of Americans go hungry every night. Help us feed the poor and least fortunate among us and spread the Word of God.
Category: Ministry
Site: Christian Counseling Degree
Description: Earn a Christian Counseling Degree. Become a licensed Christian counselor. Self-paced distance learning. Answer God's call.
Category: Ministry
Site: Thomas Lindsay Ministries
Description: Thomas Lindsay Ministries is answering the call of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to proclaim His Gospel to all people. Evangelist Thomas Lindsay is available nationwide to preach Revivals, Bible Studies, Crusades and other services at your Church or other Ministry.
Category: Ministry
Site: Believers World Outreach Missions
Description: Short-term missions sending organization. Facilitating mission trips for individuals, churches, families, and Christian groups. Trips available in Central & South America, Africa, and Europe. Many different kinds of ministry opportunities to choose from using the talents and gifts that God has given you.
Category: Ministry
Site: Firebrand International Gospel Missions
Description: Our mandate is the reach the world with the fire of the gospel.
Category: Ministry